Learning approaches introduction
To get the most out of your studies at university, you need to be actively engaged and participate in your learning. The more active you are in your own learning, the more likely it is that you will not only retain the information, but also be able to apply it in real-world situations.
Why do I need to know about different approaches to learning?
Understanding how you learn and how you can use different learning techniques at different times will help you to effectively engage with teaching sessions.
It will help you to achieve the objectives of a session, and it should also help you to retain, use and transfer knowledge and understanding to new situations and different challenges.
What is the value to me?
When you understand the approach you are using, and the benefits it has to your own learning, you become more empowered and involved in your own development. You will be able to recognise what you are doing, and why you are doing it. You will be able to see why your tutor has chosen a particular activity, task or workshop. You will recognise and know the value of being asked to work as a group, solve a problem or undertake pre-session activity so you are prepared to learn more effectively within a seminar.
Over to you
Take your time and read through the different examples of learning approaches.
Don’t worry if you’ve never heard of these terms before, they’ll become more familiar to you as you start university and get used to your new studies.
Think about whether you have used any of these learning approaches before and, if so, which ones you enjoyed or found more difficult.