What to expect – Postgraduate
Your learning expectations
As a postgraduate student your learning and engagement are more of a partnership with your tutors, building on the differences identified above.
Ideas expressed, explored, and discussed may be much more contested and ambiguous: divergent views are far more likely than they were during undergraduate studies.
A healthy partnership comes from the dialogue and conversation this can bring in your modules.
How postgraduate study will be different

Being a postgraduate student differs from undergraduate study in that:
- Classes will move faster and cover more materials – it is assumed you will have relevant study skills and are likely to have some background.
- It is likely that you will be required to do a lot more independent study, reading and pre and post preparation.
- You may not receive as many printed notes or additional support materials as you did when you were an undergraduate. It is more likely that you will be directed towards online learning materials (as these are more contemporary).
- You will be expected to work on topics that you are unsure of or are perhaps new to you research any missing information. This will employ your graduate skills to develop your new knowledge and understanding.
- You may be expected to participate in discussions during lectures, especially if in small classes.
- You will be expected to undertake more directed background reading during the course.
- You may initially struggle with language differences. Keep a note of any missed topics/sections/words and follow those up with the tutor after class.