Essay writing brings together many of the new skills gained at university and completing assessments on time requires not only writing skills, but research, time management and the ability to credit your sources properly.
Key skills required
Planning your essays
These tips will help you get your thoughts in order, figure out what you’d like to say, and help make your argument both cohesive and eloquent.
- Take some time to really study the essay question posed to you. What is it asking you to do exactly?
- It’s a good idea to try and come up with at least two or three good points to argue and maybe try to include some counterpoints.
- This is also a good time in the planning process to try and find some secondary material to help inspire some of your thoughts – as well as to support some of your claims.
- Then break down each section focusing on what the main argument will be, and bullet-point what you plan on saying and some of the critical material you have found.
- Even write a plan for each paragraph/section so you know what information needs to be included and you don’t lose focus.
Finding resources for essays
Watch Emily’s video for student advice on finding sources for your next essay.
Editing and reviewing your essays
Proofreading is a vital part of essay writing and it can ensure that your written work adequately and accurately presents your arguments and conclusions. Using Word Online can help you pick up on mistakes and make sure your writing is as good as it can be.