What is a dissertation?
A dissertation is a large-scale assignment which enables you to:
- Explore a particular area that interests you
- Work independently
- Improve your skills
When completing each stage of your dissertation you have control over your work and need to demonstrate commitment and time management.
Your dissertation will be a long process and require more work than past essays you have written, so right from the off, it’s worth putting the effort in – it’ll make your life so much easier in the long run.
Rebecca – Lincoln Graduate
Introduction to dissertations

A dissertation (also known as an independent study) is a long document (usually around 10,000 words or longer at postgraduate level – depending on your course), where you will conduct a study, based on empirical research or library-based research which is focused upon a topic or hypothesis of your choice.
Your study will present your analysis and findings and overall conclusions, with a focus on self-directed study. This form of assessment is normally undertaken in your final year of undergraduate study and at postgraduate level.
You will be allocated a dissertation supervisor who will provide support and guidance on research methodology, structure and help you develop and frame your ideas, whilst also suggest sources of information and provide feedback on drafts.
Although support and guidance are available, dissertations involve independent learning and you will be expected to manage your own workload to meet the deadline.
All University of Lincoln students have access to the learning resource hub Skills for Study, provided by the Library.
Follow this link to the Projects, dissertations and reports module and complete topics on:
– Research projects
– Conducting your research
– Reporting your findings
You will need to login using your University of Lincoln credentials to access this learning resource.
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