By having universal grade boundaries it makes it easier for you to understand your progression and aim to improve.
Rebecca Louise Hepworth – 3rd-year Events Management
What each grade means
- A First (1st) is the highest grade, achieved for exceptional work achieving 70%+ in an assessment.
- An Upper Second (2:1) achieving 60-69%
- A Lower Second (2:2) achieving 50-59%
- A Third (3rd) achieving 40%-49%
- Anything below 40% being a fail.
Please check with your School for specific and up to date information that is directly relevant to you.
Each Module Handbook will have specific marking criteria for assessed work which show you how marks are awarded. If you are still unclear on this, speak to your module tutor.
What if I fail?
To avoid falling short in assessments, you should make sure that you attend timetabled classes, read the Module Handbook, listen carefully to advice from your tutor and develop your learning through independent study.
If you do fail an assessment, you should read the feedback carefully and learn from it. You can also arrange to speak to your tutor if you need more advice and guidance, and additional study support is also available from the Library.
If you fail an exam, you will be contacted about re-sitting. Re-sits usually take place in August and, if you pass this, your mark will normally be capped at 40%.
Dr Hanya Pielichaty – Senior Lecturer/Programme Leader, Department of Marketing and Tourism Lincoln International Business School