LinkedIn Learning Help & Support

Creating, Editing and sharing collections

LinkedIn Learning can create collections (playlists) to share with other people within the organisation. A collection is a group of videos or courses that have been collated together. If you would like to add your own content (videos, documents, links) to your collections, then you will need to be given curator access. please contact to discuss a curator account.

Creating a collection

Please follow the instructions below to create a collection.

  1. Visit and login using your University Credentials (your usual University email and password)
  2. Click your profile in the top right-hand corner followed by the collections element in the drop down menu.
Click your profile menu in LinkedIn Learning.
  1. This will take you through to the collections home screen. Click ‘Create New Collection’
Collections menu in LinkedIn Learning.
  1. Add a title and description to your collection. Once this is completed click the ‘save’ button.
Edit Collection details in LinkedIn Learning.

Adding content to a collection

Adding a course to a collection

To add a full course to a collection please follow the instructions below

  1. Find the course you would like to add by searching for a title or topic
  2. Once you have found the course you would like to add, click the ‘More’ button and click ’add to collection.
List of courses showing how you can add one to your collection using the More menu.
  1. Click the ‘+Add’ button to add the entire course to the collection and complete the selection by clicking ‘Done’
Click the 'Add to Collection' button to add this video to your collection.

Adding a video to a collection

Individual videos can be added to a collection to make a more personalised playlist. Please follow the instructions below to add a video to a collection.

  1. Find a video that you would like to add to a collection by either searching or finding a section (video) inside of a course.
  2. In the top left-hand side of the video click contents, find the video you would like to add and click the book mark icon. This will then save the course to your profile.
The video contents menu showing chapters and form here you can book mark an element to add to your collection.
  1. Click ‘My Learning’ on the main menu and then click the tab marked ‘saved’.
My learning page on LinkedIn Learning.
  1. Click ‘Add to collection’
  2. Click the ‘+Add’ button to add the entire course to the collection and complete the selection by clicking ‘Done’

Editing a collection

  1. Click your profile in the top right-hand corner followed by the collections element in the drop down menu.
Editing a collection of videos on LinkedIn Learning.
  1. If you want to edit the name and description click the edit button. If you would like to edit the videos in your collection click on the collection you would like to alter from the list provided.
A list of all your videos in collections on LinkedIn Learning.
  1. Once inside of the collection you can delete a video or a course by clicking the ‘x’ in the top right-hand corner.
A single video as part of a collection on LinkedIn Learning.

Sharing your collection

Collections can be shared with anyone who has access to LinkedIn Learning. Follow the instructions below to share the collection with other staff and students.

  1. Click your profile in the top right-hand corner followed by the ‘collections’ element in the drop down menu.
Your profile menu from where you can access collections of videos.
  1. Find the name of the collection you would like to share. Click the share button in the bottom right hand corner.
A video collection you wish to share, under the name of the collection is a 'Share' button.
  1. This will bring up the sharing menu. Automatically the collection is only visible to yourself. You can choose the level of visibility. Either only visible to you, the University of Lincoln or All LinkedIn members. If you are sharing with students or other staff we recommend using the ‘University of Lincoln’ setting.
You can choose from a dropdown who you wish to view the video collection.
  1. Once you have chosen your visibility level you will be given a link which you can share with others
A link will be created which you can share with others.


• You can change the visibility of your collection at any point.
If you choose to share your collection with all LinkedIn members your collection will be able to be searched. Sharing your collection with All LinkedIn members will give you two sharable links. One for the University of Lincoln and one for learners outside the organisation.

Share this collection links will sometimes generate twice, one for those in the University and one for those outside.
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