Introduction to communication
The importance of names

In the UK, we use first names and surnames (or ‘family names’). We put our first names before our surnames. Most people would expect everyone to call them by their first name.
You might also have an English name (but it’s fine if you don’t) or another name that you would like to be known by. Please tell your tutor which name you would like to be called, and how to pronounce your name.
When you start your formal lectures and seminars, you will need to sign registers and record your attendance with provided codes. It’s very important that you sign the same name all the time and use a consistent signature. The UK Home Office check our registers, so everything needs to be correct.
Talking to staff
Most academic staff in the UK will be on first name terms with students, so you don’t need to address them as ‘Sir’ or ‘Professor’.
Always remember to be polite to all members of staff at the university – that means using “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “excuse me”, etc.
Show respect to everyone, including your fellow students.