Blackboard Ultra Help & Support

Accessible Files in Blackboard Ultra Courses

Alternative formats provide greater opportunities for everyone to access the information they need in the way they need or want it. Alternative formats aren’t just for a select group of students. Alternative formats benefit everyone. For example, Blackboard Ally can create audio and electronic braille alternatives for students with visual impairments.

Downloading Alternative Formats of your Module Content

Blackboard Ally creates alternative formats of the original content that your module tutors add to their courses. The alternative formats available depend on the original piece of content. Select the Download Alternative Formats icon wherever you see it to download the content in a different format.

Blackboard Ally Icon.

What Types of Alternative Files are Available?

Not sure what format to download? This table shows at-a-glance the best formats for your different needs. You might not see every alternative format in your list of choices to download. The formats generated depend on the original content type.

Your needsElectronic brailleAudioImmersive
PDF, OCRPDF, TaggedHTML, SemanticePubTranslated VersionBeeLine Reader
Adjust text, font, and background colour  Yes  YesYes  
Adjust audio playback speed YesYes      
Commuting YesYesYesYes YesYesYes
Commuting, driving YesYes      
Copy, paste, and search   YesYesYesYesYes 
Format adapts to device, responsive     YesYes Yes
Highlighting, note taking, and bookmarking   YesYes Yes  
Mobile device Yes   YesYes Yes
OfflineYesYes YesYesYesYesYesYes
Prefer listening YesYes      
Prefer readingYes YesYesYesYesYesYesYes
PrintYes  YesYesYesYesYes 
Text to speech with speed adjustment  YesYesYesYesYes  
Different language  Yes    Yes 

Blackboard Ally for Students in Blackboard Ultra (Video Guide)

Blackboard Ally works within your Original courses to provide accessible course content in a format that works best for you. Accessible files include readable text for screen readers, pictures with captions, and easy-to-navigate content.

You can find out more information relating to Blackboard Ally on the Blackboard Website: Alternative Formats (